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Daily Horoscope Today For Moon Signs (Rashis)

What is Moon Sign or Rashi ?

As per Vedic astrology, the planet Moon is regarded as the most significant planets. This sign is the foundation of daily prediction in Indian astrology. Moon is the nearest from earth and has greater effect on us than other planets. When a person is born then the position of Moon on the birth chart is the Moon sign or the Rashi of the person. If you do not know your moon sign then please click here to Know your Moon Sign (Rashi) ..

How we calculate Daily Horoscope for Today based on Moon Sign or Rashi.

Indian Astrology or Vedic astrology has greater significance. Moon transits through 12 signs or houses in about 29.5 days and hence spent around 2 days and 11 hours in each zodiac signs.

A person with a Moon Sign has effect on his or her life when Moon enters a zodiac sign with the combination of the position of Sun in a Zodiac sign.



Please select your moon sign from here and calculate your daily horoscope today. Please note that this prediction changes in each 2 days and 11 hours as Moon transits in a different zodiac sign by then.

Please select your moon sign from here and calculate your daily horoscope today. Please note that this prediction changes in each 2 days and 11 hours as Moon transits in a different zodiac sign by then. With respect to your moon sign the current gochar of Moon determines how the day is going to be overall today for you. Alone with conjunction, opposition, sxtile of moon with any other planets also effects your fate for the day today.

The planet Moon is the karark planet of the mind. Hence mind is operated by the planet Moon. A tension free person spends happy and peace life at the every situation. If a person is worried then all the things of pleasure and luxury appear to be futile. Besides that, the Vedic Astrology has provided the Moon Nakshatra, Moon sign and Moon’s location more importance than any other Yogas.

A person may say, if our Moon Rashi is so significant then why do only few people know their Moon Rashi? And the difficulty is that one cannot decide one’s Moon Rashi from one’s birth day as people do with their Sun Sign. The planet Moon’s motion law is very much complicated. To search a Moon Sign a unique tables or a unique program is needed.

For example if say Pisces be your moon sign or Rashi and today Moon is transiting through Cancer (say) then Cancer is the 5th house from Pisces. This information says all good things about 5th house to happen and bas thing about 6th house going to take place and so as other houses accordingly can be predicted. If Jupiter is also transiting through cancer (say) then conjunction with Moon will happen or say if Jupiter is transition through Capricorn which forms opposition with Moon will also add importance on the prediction of today’s result.

Free Moonsign Prediction for tomorrow is here..

Mesh Rashi tomorrowAries tomorrow Vrish Rashi tomorrowTaurus tomorrow Mithun Rashi tomorrowGemini tomorrow Karkat Rashi tomorrowCancer tomorrow Simha Rashi tomorrowLeo tomorrow Kanya Rashi tomorrowVirgo tomorrow Tula Rashi tomorrowLibra tomorrow Brischik Rashi tomorrowScorpio tomorrow Dhanu Rashi tomorrowSagittarius tomorrow  Makara Rashi tomorrowCapricorn tomorrow Kumbha Rashi tomorrowAquarius tomorrow Meen Rashi tomorrowPisces tomorrow